Solar Eclipse Aquarius 2018In ancient times, both of the luminaries (Sun & Moon) were associated with predicting personal trends and world events. The most significant semi-annual events included the eclipses. This still holds true today. A Solar Eclipse is when the Sun and Moon are in the same zodiac sign and degree. On February 15, 2018, the Solar Eclipse will occur at 27 degrees of Aquarius opposite the Fixed Star Regulus. This eclipse is magnificent in its cosmic alignments. It is heralding worldwide significance and new developments for individuals who are directly impacted by this celestial event!

Social Reform & Humanitarian Change

This Solar Eclipse is emphasizing change directly from its planetary ruler Uranus. While all eclipses symbolize change,  this Aquarius eclipse is stimulating a need to rebel, break away, or find more freedom. It can manifest through internal and external stimuli. In Aquarius, the eclipse is going to bring to your attention the area(s) where you feel confined or restricted. Keep in mind it can be a wide range of topics, and it will play out based on your personal planets and natal charts aspects. In general, Aquarius symbolism is governed by a need for freedom. There can be an inner drive to rebel, break away or make impulsive decisions to bring about significant change. Keep in mind that there is a higher purpose for all of the unexpected changes.

As an air sign, Aquarius is concerned with thinking, knowledge, and intellectual pursuits. This energy is considered quirky, creative, and inventive. Aquarius ideas, inventions, and thought processes are progressive and ahead of the times. There is an opportunity for flashes of insight, solutions, and premonitions. The ideas, people, and intuitive insights you encounter will be unique and different! There can be an undertone of taking risks that unfolds as risky behavior, ideas, thoughts, or just stepping out of your normal routine. It can bring an impulsive urge for change and daredevil decisions. 

The ruler of Aquarius, Uranus, represents change. Change arrives quickly and rapidly in Aquarius. It can be shocking and surprising. What house does Aquarius rule in your chart? This will be where you can apply the symbolism. The ruler of the eclipse, Uranus has been transiting the sign Aries highlighting the themes of independence and conflict. With the Lord of the Eclipse in Aries also known as the God of War, it gives an undertone for explosive energies. Mars brings intensity, drive, ambition, action, war, violence, passion, conflict, physical activity, bravery, and courage. 

Erratic and Unexpected Surprises

The eclipse is making a tight aspect with the planet Mercury. All means of communication are highly sensitized. You are either hearing news or creating news, gossip, or something to chat about. The eclipse will trigger a media blitz in some form. It can be a flurry of emails, meetings, or PR nightmare unfolding in your professional life. Eclipses do not guarantee a positive or negative outcome. There is a choice in how we each interpret and react to all of the internal and external stimuli. With Mercury in Aquarius, the fundamental need for change is going to cause an uproar in all forms of communications. In mythology, Mercury was the messenger of the gods, and connected to the eclipse it can bring a sort of wildcard emphasis to your life and/ or those close to you.

A Higher Perspective

Transiting Jupiter is in a difficult aspect to the eclipse. With this planetary transit, there are internal/ external forces that are at odds regarding beliefs, philosophies, and religious affiliations. Jupiter enlarges whatever it aspects. Whatever issues, drama, or good news surrounds you during this time will be magnified. Take into consideration that it may manifest as conflicting points of view. Look for the silver lining and try not to get too caught up in all the drama.  Jupiter brings hope and faith to the forefront and with this eclipse is in a way opening the doors for change.

Solar Eclipse Cosmic Calendar

The following dates are when I see the Solar Eclipse being very active. 

  • March 11th – 12th: Mars signals events and they will be occurring rapidly.
  • March 13th – 31st: Uranus will aspect the eclipse point and bring the themes to the forefront
Astrology Lifestyle