Saturn RetrogradeIn December 2017, Saturn entered Capricorn for the first time in 20 years! During this transit, Saturn will go retrograde two times then enter Aquarius in 2020. Saturn’s transit begins at 0 degrees and travels to 29 degrees of the zodiac. As it transits Capricorn, it will potentially make aspects with your natal and the transiting planets.

With the retro cycle, the symbolism of the Universe is at your fingertips. During the next few months, the planet’s energies are turned inward. Similar to a Mercury Retrograde it is an introspective time; yet, it has totally different symbolism. For the next few months, you are given the time to do work on the inner to adapt and adjust to the external changes that have begun in your life.

Barriers and Roadblocks

Saturn, also known as Father Time, doesn’t bring us immediate results. With this transit, the key is patience and perseverance. During the Saturn retrograde, it can feel like you are constantly struggling to get ahead, and it is an uphill battle as you carry so much additional responsibility. You can also face numerous roadblocks as you try to advance. Saturn retrograde can be a time of barriers, frustrations, and delays in a specific area of everyone’s life. Yet, for some, it can be a time of reckoning as past decisions and actions come to light. 

The Universe will bring you tests during this phase; yet, the results will not fully manifest until Saturn stations direct and aspects a personal planet. During this retrograde cycle, you will also encounter additional planetary retrogrades. All this cosmic energy will bring changes and delays to multiple areas of your life. It is pretty common for people to feel discouraged. Yet, stay the course and consider all the restructuring, and added responsibilities as blessings in disguise!

Read more on Saturn in Capricorn and how it can unfold in your life:

  • Saturn in Capricorn –  (December 2017 – April 2020) – Read about the tests, lessons, and areas of your life being re-structured.
  • Saturn Direct in Capricorn – (September 6, 2018) – Read about where you need to build your foundation.
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