Fixed Star Regulus Astrology
Considered one of the four Royal Stars of Persia, Regulus is known as a ‘kingmaker.” With its regal symbolism, it carries a majestic energy of bestowing a royal quality to those born under it’s rays bestows. Regulus is located at 29 degrees of Leo, and if you are born with this degree on any planet or angle in your chart, you have this inner radiance that if you choose to step into your innate power you can shape you life around the themes of having a majestic, and powerful personality. In essence you were born for this, and your life will be guided by this amazing energy.
With this point in the chart, the individual’s personality is larger than life, commanding, independent, outspoken, or arrogant. They can be honor oriented and have a lifestyle personified by courage, fame, royalty, and leadership. While it also represents fame and success, the star’s magnificence reminds us that fame and money don’t always bring happiness.
The symbolism associated with Regulus can give an individual an edge on life and gives them a trump card to play. A component of their lifestyle will carry a royal theme. It will play out in one’s life as they live and embody this royal theme. Essentially, they are in the “King’s Embrace!” Honestly, this has the potential to be a big deal when it is activated in a person’s natal or progressed chart.
Fixed Star Regulus and its Challenges
The downfall of the fixed star is that it can denote a fall from grace when individuals cut corners, or swept under the carpet any unethical decisions in their climb to fame. Basically, karma catches up with them in a public way. With such a rare degree in one’s chart, they have a claim to some form of recognition and visibility in their lifetime. Yet, it goes hand in hand with the temptation to take the easy way, cut corners, step on others to get ahead, burn bridges, or some form of ethical scenarios. Be aware of the karmic undertones this Star’s symbolism carries, and counteract the negative components with positive choices. Seriously, just roll out the positive vibes and climb that ladder! Create a loyal, supportive audience and fan club versus a list of dedicated haters.
Regulus Astrology and How to Find it in your Chart?
If you are a Leo, then your Sun sign will eventually progress to this point. If you know the degree of your Sun sign or any planets in Leo, then do the math. Your Sun will progress at a rate of about one degree per year.
Regulus Astrology and the Rising Sign
Born on August 11th? The ages of 10-11 have the potential to be memorable. Are you born with a Cancer Ascendant (Rising)? You are not born with a 29 degree Leo ascendant, BUT your ascendant will move into this degree during your lifetime. This is significant! Your Rising Sign (Ascendant) is Cancer. Yet, it moves forward 1 degree for every year of your life. Currently, if it is at 20 degrees of Leo, then in 9 years it will be at the 29th degree and you will essentially be in the King’s Embrace! The same applies to a personal planet too, and they do not have to be just in Cancer. It would also apply to Leo planets too. It also depends on the degrees and placement of your personal planets in your natal chart.
Famous individuals with prominent Regulus? Years ago, I was fascinated by Frida Kahlo and her life that I decided to do a three-post spread on how Regulus, the stars, eclipses, and transits impacted the course of her life. Not all who have this degree are guaranteed wealth, fame, or happiness. Yet, the challenges she faced during her life gave way to her global artistic legacy. After all, there is something special that can emerge when this point is activated by the cosmos.
For many individuals, a personal planet located at 29 degrees or progressing there, will need to be activated by transit or eclipse to highlight when an individual is going to receive some major or minor attention. If it’s occurring in the 10th (career/status) or conjunct the midheaven, the person can be featured in the media. It will be in a BIG way and around themes of career and status in life. Depending on their birth chart aspects, it will show how much attention and prominence they receive, or if it denotes a fall from grace.
Are you Born under the Fixed Star Regulus?
Is your birthday on August 20 – 23rd? If so, then your Sun Sign is located within the orb of Regulus, and this theme is going to potentially fully resonate with you!
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