The story of Eros and Psyche originated from Greek mythology. Yet, their placement in an astrology chart depicts how myths and symbolism can be interpreted in your life. Essentially, finding your personal Eros and Psyche in astrology by house and zodiac sign will give clues to your soul mate connection, and the types of individuals who incite passion in you. While Venus and Mars are the go-to for love astrology, Eros and Psyche bring a new perspective and a deeper understanding of the desirable qualities, situations, and components of love, romance, attraction, and sexual preferences of an individual.
Eros and Psyche Astrology
The planets can be grouped into feminine and masculine energies. The Divine Feminine has traditionally been connected to the Moon and grouped into the categories associated with fertility, motherhood, and nurturing. The Divine Masculine is related to the Sun and Mars. The Sun represents the father, husband, and leader. It corresponds to traits linked to courage, pride, nobleness, and ego. While Mars expresses the Divine Masculine energies through courage, energy, sex life, and virility. Mars symbolizes the warrior, conqueror, and lover.
All four represent the archetypal energies, and they are integrated into every individual’s chart regardless of gender. They are also indicators in a chart for the topics of love, romance, and what an individual is seeking in a mate. The analysis and interpretation of the Moon, Venus, Mars, and Sun by sign, house, and aspects give an in-depth overview of a person’s lovers, spouse, or partner. Ideally, an individual’s unique expression of the Divine Feminine and Masculine is played out by the sign, house, and aspects the planet makes in their birth chart. The process takes time, patience, and an individual with experience and credibility.
Why is this relevant in reading a horoscope? It becomes highly significant when an individual is looking for relationship compatibility, the timing for love, fertility, commitment, and related themes. Yet, there are additional ways to give you depth into your personal chart and relationship themes. There are approximately 19,000 asteroids that can be inserted into an astrology chart. For love, romance, and relationship compatibility, there are two minor asteroids that give significant clues, insights, and symbolism that go beyond the personal planets. The minor asteroids Eros and Psyche are known as the lovers, and their symbolism is provided below.
Soul Mate Connection
Eros and Psyche symbolize a soul mate connection. In Greek mythology, Eros was known as the God of Love and the son of Aphrodite (Goddess of Love). In Roman mythology, he was referred to as Cupid. Psyche was a mortal girl that Eros fell in love with. Upon their separation, she developed and attuned her intuitive, telepathic, and psychic abilities to find him again. In her search for her lover, she asked his mother, Aphrodite, for help. Aphrodite disapproved of the match. In her jealousy, she gave the young maiden difficult tests and tasks to complete prior to reuniting the two lovers. In the end, Psyche successfully passed the tests by utilizing her intuition and psychic gifts. She was transformed from a mortal girl into an immortal deity. She was then allowed to wed her true love. Their union symbolizes the soul mate connection. It evokes love and the intuitive spiritual connection that is oftentimes described as the soul-mate union.
Eros in the Natal Chart
In a natal chart, Eros is the asteroid of sexuality, primal desire, and consummating a relationship. Based on the sign and aspects, it can tell what specifically turns an individual on. It will describe if someone is kinky, has skeletons, talks dirty, prefers to live in their fantasy world, or needs dialogue to get their mojo going. It can describe if they are mentally, physically, or emotionally stimulated. It can be further elaborated on by the element the asteroid is in (air, fire, water, or earth). The house placement and personal aspects can help refine an individual’s preferences. But, since this is a relationship and soul mate indicator, it can clarify the connection between couples especially if it is mutually activated. Eros can be beneath the scenes unless it is activated by another’s personal or love planets.
In the natal chart, look to see how prominent Eros is. It will really stand out if it aspects the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, or Ascendant. This person can literally be described as having an aura of sexuality. Everyone notices their swag; the way they walk, talk, and go about their day is instinctual. They are sexy, magnetic, and have an aura of desirability. Next, see if it connects or makes aspects a personal planet, and are they positive or challenging aspects?
If there are dominant positive aspects, they can freely express their sexuality, and sexual preferences and they are in sync with their desires. Yet, if there are tough and challenging aspects, the individual may suppress their sexual needs, or their love tank just never gets filled up. For example, Saturn square or opposing Eros would suppress sexual expression in their life. In a relationship, if one partner has Eros square or opposes their mate’s Eros, then their sex life could become platonic over time. Any challenging Eros aspect highlights the potential of the Eros individual feeling their needs are not met, and there is a sense of unfulfillment, lack of passion, challenges with libido, or a need to keep their sexuality hidden.
For example, is your natal Eros in the fire sign Leo? Then, the keywords to describe this are flirtation, a need to feel desired by their partner, or others. Leo loves receiving attention from their admirers. This includes flirting and being desired by their mate. They crave a union with long-lasting passion, as well as, keeping the flames alive. Their sexuality is also directly related to their ego. Like the Lion, they are protective, loyal, and passionate in bed.
Psyche in the Natal Chart
In the astrology chart, Psyche represents the intuitive, telepathic, psychic connection that comes from a soulful yearning to merge and connect with one’s ideal mate. At the beginning of a relationship, there can be turmoil and obstacles that one must face and overcome. The symbolism of the jealous woman trying to prevent the union can play out as well. Since Psyche was a gorgeous mortal and envied by her lover’s mother, it brings attention to the possibility of another female interfering with the dynamics of the relationship. The path to true love has a fated component. True love will arrive when it is for the highest good.
The aspects Psyche makes in a birth chart define how the myth can become intertwined in the individual’s experiences with lovers and relationships. When there are good aspects (trine & sextile), the individual is attuned to their psychic abilities and intuition with their mate or potential mate. There is a depth of understanding, empathy, and deep soulfulness to their union. There can also be the use of telepathy and just an inner sense of knowing their mate so well on a conscious and subconscious level. With challenging aspects (square & opposition), it can signal one who chases after a lover despite the obvious lack of mutual interest. It can become an obsessive need to pursue someone who just isn’t interested in them. The challenging aspects can also play out through clandestine liaisons, affairs, and pursuing lovers who are already committed and taken. Thus, the mythology of Psyche does not embody the truest form of the soul mate connection. The stressful aspects throw off balance the individual’s radar, and despite knowing better, they can pursue and solidify relations that are not for their highest good.
For example, is your natal Psyche in the water sign of Pisces? This gives a highly sensitized nature to intimacy and lovers. There is a deep inner yearning to find this soul mate connection in their life. They naturally have a talent for reading, understanding and psychically connecting to their lover. The caution with this is to develop the ability to see beyond the illusions of others and be in the present moment. Too much idealism can take them down the wrong path of love.
Eros & Psyche in Relationships
In relationship compatibility and synastry, compare both individuals Eros and Psyche. Are they making aspects with each other? If they are making mutual aspects and it is reciprocated, it is going to be a sizzling, passionate relationship described as a deep soulful union and a soul mate connection. Also, look to see if either of the asteroids is activating their partner’s personal planets. Better yet, are the two asteroids activating their love planets? The traditional love planets are Venus and Mars and the rulers of the 5th and 7th houses. Contacts give additional insights into sexual chemistry, passion, and mutual desire.
George, Demetra, & Bloch, Douglas (2003). Asteroid Goddesses: The Mythology, Psychology, and Astrology of the Re-emerging Feminine.