• Sagittarius Full Moon, June 2023

    Full Moon Astrology 2023

    The summer is here, and as schools close their doors, we enter Gemini Season. This coincides with the arrival of our annual Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 3, 2023. This celestial event urges us to embrace our wandering spirits, encouraging exploration, adventure, and a thirst for travel. As we navigate this Full Moon and its astrological symbolism, it is essential to hold space for optimism, for it is the beacon that fuels the pursuit of our dreams. 

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  • 2023 New Moon in Taurus

    New Moon Taurus 2023

    The annual 2023 New Moon in Taurus at 28 degrees is highlighting themes of security and stability. It is casting a spotlight on the topics of money, finances, and resources. Over the the next 30 days, these topics will take center stage presenting opportunities to pause, reflect, and be brutally honest in accessing your relationship with money and resources. Are you stuck in a lack mentality? Are you in sync with an abundant mindset? Seriously, take a look at your House of Taurus  to see where the themes revolve around money and resources.

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  • Why This New Moon in Aquarius Supports Your Goals + Ambitions

    Since this is the 1st New Moon of the year, the themes center around creating or re-visiting your 2023 New Year’s resolutions. With Jupiter connected to the New Moon, the symbolism encourages you to go big and be expansive, without limitations or limited thinking. It is highlighting your need to be independent, brave, courageous, and trust in Divine Timing. Now, the ruler of Aquarius is going direct the weekend of the New Moon and adds a  bit of a wildcard influence. There’s the element of unexpected, out-of-the-blue events, meetings, or sudden decisions that can switch the direction or trajectory of your dreams.

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  • Top 3 Reasons You Need to Wait to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions

    2023 Astrology New Year Resolutions

    A Temporary Pause on your Goals Before you jump to make your 2023 lists, goals, and vision boards, let me explain why it is best to wait. Initiating your goals in early January will most likely bring disappointments, flops, reversals, or a significant change in events because the timing will be off. In other words, […]

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  • New Moon in Aquarius and Initiating Change

    New Moon in Aquarius

    The New Moon in Aquarius brings a progressive, creative, independent, and unique approach to your day and the next 30 days. Your own House of Aquarius is the secret link to how you express your freedom, originality, individuality, and inventive ideas. This is where you can be rebellious, an original thinker, free spirit, untamed, and in some ways a rule breaker.

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  • Venus Goes Direct in Capricorn and Why Now is the Time to Focus on Love and Money

    Venus in Capricorn - Direct

    As Venus stations direct in Capricorn tomorrow, expect the topics of love and money to get back on track! Venus in Capricorn represents status and taking a practical approach to your finances and relationships. In love astrology, your love life can be more grounded and realistic. During this time, affection might be lacking between you and your mate. One of you can appear cold and reserved in public, but behind closed doors, the Capricorn energy is sensual when unleashed. As an earth sign, the cosmic energy is pragmatic, determined, and focused on status and accomplishments. For singles, you can find a loyal partner who is not only successful but committed to their career.

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