The second round of Leo Eclipses is upon us. A celestial event that occurs annually; yet, it cycles through all 12 zodiac signs. As a Lunar Eclipse, it is highlighting your feelings, emotions, and feminine qualities. It represents a deep inner shift that you will begin to notice emerging. Something within you is being reawakened and will reemerge in August 2018 during the next Leo Eclipse. You will have the next six months to process, act and own the change you wish to see in your life. This powerful eclipse is also a Super Moon, and the symbolism is placing a laser beam on where the universe wants you to focus your energies for growth. 

Yet, the most intriguing component of this eclipse is that it is occurring in the fiery sign of Leo. Thus, giving it a distinct Solar influence. Something in your life demands your attention now. This is not the time to stick your head in the sand or wait anything out. The eclipse is directly conjoined the transiting North Node. This favorable connection brings an inflow of energy, emotions, circumstances, and events. Keep in mind that this will all be an internal process in how you understand, see and react to the physical, emotional, spiritual, or environmental changes in your life. Consider it a Phase II in the developmental cycle of Leo Eclipses. 

Celestial Vibes

The Lord or ruler of this eclipse is the Sun. The Sun symbolizes your vitality, lifeforce, and health. During the Lunar Eclipse, it will be in Aquarius. These are two opposing signs that are creating mixed feelings or signals in your heart. Leo is emphasizing your self-confidence, individuality, warmth, and generosity. While the Sun in Aquarius is highlighting your need for freedom, independence, risk-taking, inventiveness, and spontaneity. Watch for the people, moments, information, and opportunities that unexpectedly arrive in your life, they are the clues to your next move. This will be the inflow of celestial information and what you will need to take action on.  

Deep Transformation

In the background, there is an additional cosmic alignment worth noting. Both Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) and Pluto are making a stressful and intense aspect. This gives a kind of trickle-down effect into the cosmic energies and overtones in your life. There’s an intensity and unexpected component to the events occurring in your life now and during the next six months. Ultimately, there will be a metamorphosis or transformation. 

Cosmic Calendar

The following dates are when I see the Lunar Eclipse being very active. 

  • February 7th: Mercury will connect to the eclipse stimulating all modes of communication
  • February 12th – 13th: Mars signals events and they will be occurring rapidly
  • April 2nd: Mercury Retrograde will require revisiting a topic
  • April 27th: Mercury will be direct and again connect with the eclipse point emphasizing the topics that began in February
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