Known as the Axis of Fate, this invisible and personal point holds incredible symbolism. Since the nodes represent cycles of spiritual and karmic influences, they can be compared to portals that connect humankind with Universal Consciousness. While the transiting Nodes can activate opportunities for collective soul growth and spiritual evolution, it is also a sacred point in everyone’s natal chart. 

Life Purpose

What if we had a spiritual guidepost to help us along our path? What if the cosmos left you a trail of signs and symbols? At a specific age, the Lunar Nodes will align with your energetic vibrations and your celestial roadmap will be activated.  This map can take you on a journey of discovery, growth, enlightenment, and awakening. Since the nodes are generational and personal points, the axis of fate can bring spiritual themes and deeper meaning of your soul’s purpose if you are willing to follow your path.

The Lunar Nodes are cosmic degrees that are polar opposites. As part of a cosmic axis, the North Node highlights Times where opportunities come into your life or when spiritual growth is on the horizon. The North Node is associated with the direction one’s soul is navigating towards in this lifetime. The North Node shows where your soul is trying to guide you and the alignment(s) it makes can show future paths and opportunities. 

The South Node shows the gifts you were born with. The key to fully attain the promises of one’s North Node, one must understand and embrace the skills and talents of their South Node. The South Node represents your past life experiences and themes. While it can symbolize past life themes, gifts, and skills you incarnated with, it can also represent the challenging traits you incarnated with too. While we all have different spiritual paths and soul contracts, your personal Lunar Nodes offer insight into your Life’s Purpose and the talents or challenges you will overcome to attain your soul’s mission.

Decode Your Cosmic Purpose

In your birth chart, the natal sign and house of your Nodes are the first step to understanding your purpose. Are there any planets or chart angles connected to the Nodes? If so, your Nodes carry additional meaning and planetary help in achieving your destiny. To get even more clues and insights, are any points, stars, or asteroids connected to your Nodes? Do you know someone with a planet connected to your South Node? If so, they were With you in one or more past lives, and you will have a deep soul connection with them.

Does someone have a planet connected to your North Node? This too is powerful as it represents a karmic debt, and they will help you move in the direction of your Life’s Purpose.

The Axis of Fate holds rich symbolism for spiritual understanding and development. As you attune to your South Node’s energies, you can choose to embrace your soul’s origins, while simultaneously following the path your soul intends for you to develop. As you learn to balance and integrate these celestial points, you can consciously hone in on the opportunities for soul growth that can take you towards your true north.

Cosmic Calendar and Your Nodal Return

As the Nodes transit the zodiac, they will return to the exact degree in your natal chart. As the nodes connect to this personal point, the Universe will bring people or events into your life that create transformation and an evolution of your soul. This return occurs around the ages of 19, 38, 57, and 75. What themes, events, opportunities or people came into or left your life? How did this cosmic energy sync with your spirit and what spiritual enlightenment occurred?

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