This month, the Full Moon in Taurus is going to redirect you and bring some form of closure. This is a beautiful time to reconnect to the Divine Feminine and Mother Earth energies. As the first earth sign in the zodiac, Taurus rules Earth, land, fruitfulness, nature, trees, flowers, gardens, food, and property. The Full Moon is always an awesome time to purge and eliminate all that you want to let go of. You can really clear some conscious or unconscious barriers with this energy. Consider honoring and celebrating the beauty of Gaia, Mother Earth today by enjoying nature, sitting outdoors, gardening, or watching the sunset.

Environmental Detox

Occurring in Taurus, the Full Moon is emphasizing the Taurus area of your chart. In general, Taurus is a highly affectionate, sensual, and fertile sign. It is associated with money, security, food, possessions, and personal values. Taurus is one of three earth signs, and it is bringing into focus the need to get grounded and re-align with earth energy. This is an excellent time to re-connect your spirit with nature and realign with the earth element. You can really benefit by communing with nature and being outdoors. All these activities will bring about grounding. The idiom of planting your feet on solid ground applies. Earth energy symbolizes the food supply, crops, environment, wildlife, and nature.

During the Full Moon, pay attention to your natural surroundings. In your daily environment, there may be a need to cleanse and minimize your exposure to pollutants, pesticides, chemicals, fungicides, and toxins that can be potentially limiting the purity of your being. Your daily environment impacts your body, mind, and spiritual connection. Are you feeding your soul or draining it? Daily life can get congested with electronics, technology, people, toxins, and hectic lifestyles that we neglect the opportunities to connect. You can counteract the energies by adding more live plants, nature symbols, or nature music to your home or office. Detoxes and cleanses seem to be a theme with the Sun in Scorpio opposing the Full Moon in Taurus. Scorpio rules the body’s elimination process and Taurus is an earth sign symbolizing food and nature. It is a great reminder to eat wholesome foods, fewer chemicals, and less processed foods. Change your comfort foods to items that support, nourish, and feed your body. Since Scorpio is the sign of elimination and regeneration, it is a great time to do a little detox too.

The Full Moon is guiding you to look at your personal resources, values, security, and natural environment. In these areas, there is a need for stability and a solid foundation with less chaos, change, or drama. It is time to get grounded and maintain a consistent routine. With all Full Moon’s, there is the theme of closure. Taurus energies are also known for being stubborn and resistant to change. As a fixed sign, Taurus isn’t one to make changes easily. In fact, they are so resistant you may need to push them through the door. Opportunities come and they resist because they prefer the security of doing things the same old way. The Full Moon can potentially be a great time to release the resistance to change that no longer serves your highest good.

Stability and Unpredictability

The Full Moon brings the opportunity to release and let go of any thoughts, actions, or beliefs that have been limiting your progress. This is an opportunity to say goodbye to what has been holding you back or keeping you in a rut. Oftentimes, Taurus energy loves routine, and it is the same routine over and over that change seems like a foreign word to them. Yet, this sign is facing some significant shifts and changes that will bring unexpected opportunities and directions. This is exactly the time people are being called to step up and change their perspective, energy, path, or do things differently.

The planet of change (Uranus) has been in Taurus and will be for years.  As a long-term planetary transit (Uranus in Taurus), has the potential to disrupt patterns that no longer serve you. It is conjoined this Full Moon, and  it brings a powerful tone of change, uncertainty, evolution, and otherworldly insights. As in cosmic alignments, soul travel, and a deep spiritual connection with earth energy. For this Full Moon, Gaia is calling you to connect and experience this Moon’s Phase at a deeper level.

Your Cosmic Opportunity Revealed

How does this Full Moon’s magic relate to you? What area of your chart is ruled by Taurus? Do you have any natal or progressed planets in Taurus? This creates a baseline of where you are resisting change, and how you can become aware of it. It shows where you need additional grounding and how nature will revitalize you. Be mindful of the doors that open and close now, and ask how you can initiate growth. With the planet of change in Taurus, this will be a reoccurring theme in your chart. Find the house of Taurus to see where the long-term trend to mix things up, get out of a rut, and switch things up is being activated.



The Sabian Symbol is an additional tool created in the early 20th Century by Marc Edmund Jones and clairvoyant Elise Wheeler. There are 360 different symbols that have been referred to an astrological mandala.



A Christmas Tree is decorated and shines in the darkness.

According to Lynda Hill in her book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees of Wisdom, she explains how this degree of the Full Moon “speaks of the joy and togetherness of celebrations such as Christmas. It shows the need for experiencing or accepting family and friends and celebrating cultural ties, and enjoying release from more difficult times. Activities of the group will bring joy to all those who participate or pass close enough to see. Gathering people together in a common cause in order to celebrate festivities and a sense of family can enliven everyone and give them hope. Joy will spread and life will be celebrated. The fruits of one’s culture. Warmth within although it may be cold outside. Festive seasons and giving and receiving gifts and good wishes. Family and friends. Angels. The Caution: Loneliness. Unfulfilled longings for family togetherness. The pretense of happiness or success in a show for social reasons. Only doing the externals. Commercialism”

Scorpio Season

Scorpio Season arrives with opportunities for rediscovery. As the season changes, Scorpio energies invite us to go within and allow growth and seek transformation. The Scorpio/Taurus axis is an opportunity to integrate the material world with the spiritual realms. The cycles of life are being activated, and as you tap into the powerful transformative and regenerative powers of Scorpio, how will you transform?

Astrology Lifestyle