Scorpio New Moon, November 2020This month, the New Moon in Scorpio is a manifesting powerhouse. With this transformational energy, you can tap into source energy to not only visualize your desires but to be a magnetic force in attracting them into your life. As the weekend approaches, the ruler of Scorpio (Mars) stations direct in Aries after a long retrograde phase. As this fiery planet does a u-turn, there can be subtle or rapid momentum towards your end game. Yet, the New Moon is re-directing you to hone in on the big picture. What deep inner desires have been restricted, what plans or ideas were sidelined during the last nine weeks? Since Scorpio is ruled by Mars, there will be some undertones to push, move, and get ahead.

Magnetic Manifesting

The energies of this New Moon are on the axis of Scorpio/Taurus. Both signs represent security, control, and resources. In addition, they are both fixed signs, which means there can be resistance or stubbornness when it comes to change. As you align with this Moon’s vibes, consider taking the time to release any resistance (consciously or unconsciously) to new beginnings and the changes you desire. When you are a clear channel, you can tap into the spiritual realms, access kundalini energy, and communicate with spirit.

Sabian Symbol

23 Scorpio

Crowds coming down the mountain to listen to an inspired person.

“This implies having a message or the voice that others flock to in order to listen. Whether you are the “One Inspired Person”, or someone in the audience, you may feel that you have had some wonderful realizations after hearing inspired messages, from within yourself or from an external source, and now you need to bring these lessons or understandings down to an everyday level in order to integrate them into everyday life. People will have different responses to the messages given. Not all will be responsive, but the message will resonate with those that are meant to hear it. What will be done with this information and how far will it spread?”

Sabian Symbols by Lynda Hill

Scorpio Season

Scorpio Season arrives with opportunities for rediscovery. As the season changes, Scorpio energies invite us to go within and allow growth and seek transformation. The Scorpio/Taurus axis is an opportunity to integrate the material world with the spiritual realms. The cycles of life are being activated, and as you tap into the powerful transformative and regenerative powers of Scorpio, how will you transform?

Astrology Lifestyle