Mercury Retrograde 2021

In 2021, all of the Mercury retrogrades will be air signs highlighting your mind. In mythology, Mercury is the Messenger of the Gods representing communications, learning, thinking, and how information is processed. Now, as Mercury Retrogrades in Gemini, it brings messages, information, communication, and amps up your social nature. Leading up to the retrograde, you and those around you may have been experiencing technical difficulties, misunderstandings, misinformation, forgetfulness, or vehicle issues. Yet, on a spiritual level, you are going to be a conduit for all kinds of information.

Energy Rewind

Gemini energy is curious, mental, intellectual, social, and knowledgeable about a variety of topics. Whatever is consuming your thoughts, guaranteed it involves multi-tasking or data overload. Gemini is categorized as the twins for their dual nature. Meaning there will be more than one message, experience, trip, event, situation, date, or idea. As Gemini’s changeable nature kicks in, expect yourself and those around you to change their mind more than once. Expect reversals, do-overs, and conversations that seem to go around in circles.

Dueling Minds

Gemini is one of three air signs that are in tune with the mental plane of consciousness. Look to where Gemini rules in your chart to see where the activation will occur. This is where you can experience the challenges, do-overs, and retro energies to manifest.  Gemini is a mutable sign known for having different personalities, points of view, and more than one way of doing things. Keeping this duality in mind, all forms of communication, thinking, learning, and expression are activated. Since there are so many levels of communication, try to rise above the gossip, deceit, lies, or scandal. Take the high road and express your inspired ideas through art, prayer, poetry, or mediation. There are opportunities to find answers and solutions through mental activities (reading, writing, talking, learning, etc). The pitfall? There’s a chance of feeling somewhat scattered, or just mentally overloaded. 

Nurture and Share your Voice

Ideally, there’s an opportunity with the retrograde to find a common ground with all the energy in a positive way. It’s about finding ways to incorporate your truth into your self-expression. Gemini energies are associated with the throat chakra, and this is an excellent time to align, activate, clear, and replenish your spirit. Words. talking, writing, or learning, are all forms of self-expression. How are you honoring your inner voice?

The Silver Lining

Ideally, all retrogrades are a period of time to look at something you missed. It is a terrific time to review a specific area of your life. Use the energy to re-read, re-evaluate, and re-do something. There is an emphasis on completing past projects. Once Mercury stations direct, you will really begin to feel the shift, and notice the forward momentum in your life and all around you.

Mercury Retrograde Dates

By July 12, Mercury will emerge from the shadows and you will begin to get more reliable information. Look to the house Gemini rules in your chart to see what area of your life where the retrograde occurs.

  • Mercury Retrograde: May 29, 2021 – June 22, 2021
Astrology Lifestyle