Lunar Eclipse - May 2021Summer days mingled with wanderlust, change, and a bit of soul searching. This Lunar Eclipse occurs at 5 degrees Sagittarius introducing us to its fun-loving, optimistic, and travel-oriented energies. For some, it brings a deeper connection and spiritual meaning to life. Yet, others may see it as an opportunity to realign their spiritual compass. Ideally, it is an opportunity to raise your vibes and get in sync with your divine purpose. Since Sagittarius energies can also be called the wanderer, it brings to light all of the soul searching some are doing as they dig deeper into their life’s purpose.

Revised Dreams

Sagittarius’s energy is uplifting, playful, outgoing, optimistic, and showers us with its positive vibes. This fun-loving sign brings an inner urge for adventure, travel, independence, and freedom themes. Its fiery nature inspires and motivates us, while it encourages flexibility and adaptability to the changes ahead. With its jovial demeanor, it asks us to aim high and go after our dreams. Literally, the archer is all about shooting for the Moon and chasing down your dreams, visions, or ideas.

Spiritual Purpose & Cosmic Compass

With the eclipse in Sagittarius, big dreams are cosmically hovering over you. Those inventions, aspirations, and clever ideas are there for the taking; yet, the ability to act, and see the big picture is going to be cloudy and full of mystique for now. While this eclipse can bring an influx of optimism, good luck, expansiveness, miracles, or wishes fulfilled, it also highlights the setbacks in the timing.

Spiritual Warrior

Jupiter, the ruler of the eclipse is in a challenging aspect with the eclipse. Thus, the meaning of second chances and circling back to re-evaluate your dreams, visions, and goals is coming to the forefront. While Sagittarius energies are all about moving forward, taking aim, and going for it, there are barriers with its ruler in a difficult aspect. It stalls the energy. For now, it isn’t the best timing to get ahead as Mercury is going retrograde in a few days. If your restless and feeling stuck, this is a great time to do some deep soul searching, re-align, and get further clarification on what you want to manifest.

For the summer months, Jupiter made a brief entry into Pisces, and it sets the eclipse’s tone. Think of Jupiter as a pulsating sonar frequency. As things start to move forward, or changes occur the frequency becomes amplified. This Lunar eclipse is fiery and emphasizes courage and bravery in pursuit of your goals and ambitions. It represents fortune and expansion. Yet, the watery nature in Pisces will drown out all the action. The positive side of this energy is it will bring compassion, yet the dual nature of the eclipse is also hidden within the shadows.

Pisces Dual Nature + Shadow Side

Pisces symbol is the two fish, which represents its dual nature. Thus, it highlights there are different manifestations of the eclipse’s energies. It can manifest with a focus on empathy, love, sensitivity, intuition, and spiritual enlightenment. Yet, for some, the shadow side can also come to light. Be mindful of deceptions, lies, and illusions.  There can be a deep emotional feeling of being overwhelmed, a need to escape, and extreme anxiety or paranoia. Try not to use the drugs and alcohol escape route.

Mercury Retrograde

Behind the scenes, Mercury will be going retrograde in a matter of days in Gemini another dual sign. This showcases that information might be coming to the surface that was unplanned or unexpected. It also shows there are going to be temporary delays or setbacks until Mercury goes direct. Your best bet is to wait until Mercury exits its shadow. For some, you might feel you are in limbo, and life has become a waiting game. Keep in mind it’s temporary.

Untamed Spirit

The eclipse in Sagittarius asks us to dream bigger than before, and not let ourselves be fenced in by any barriers or setbacks. Yet, the silver lining with taking a few steps back is the profound spiritual perspective and download you can attain. This eclipse has its challenges. Yet, when you can align with your spiritual mission, faith, and define your purpose you might dream bigger than ever before! The holdup is to be in the moment, recognize illusions, and read between the lines. Listen to your gut instincts and hold out for the right timing to move forward.

Cosmic Dates

This eclipse isn’t over in a day. The energies at 5 degrees of Sagittarius will be dormant until activated. The life of an eclipse can be 2-3 years.

Aries, the eclipse in Sagittarius is very supportive of you and your dreams. It will occur in your area of learning, education, in-laws, traveling, publishing, foreigners, and spirituality.

Taurus, this will begin to unfold in your area of finances from others. This area symbolizes your spouse’s income, support, loans, mortgages, investments, and matters relating to those who have past away.

Gemini, this will begin to unfold in your area of relationships, or business partnerships.

Cancer, this is occurring in your area of job, day-to-day routines, small pets, health, and wellness.

Leo, as a fire sign this eclipse will make a nice cosmic connection to your Sun sign. It will be in your area of creative expression, children (particularly 1st child), and your love life.

Virgo this eclipse is bringing changes and opportunities in your domestic life, especially you home and family. It is activating the axis of home versus career.

Libra, you will begin to see this play out in the area of communications, learning, or higher education. This area is also associated with neighbors and siblings.

Sagittarius this will begin to unfold in your area of self and relationships.

Capricorn, this is a time where you might seek more solitude to connect, meditate, and find a higher meaning. Your dreams and subconscious have the answers you are seeking.

Aquarius this will begin to unfold in your area of hopes, wishes, and dreams.

Pisces, this will begin to unfold in your area of career versus home and family.

Astrology Lifestyle