Virgo Season

Virgo Season arrives with a focus on the details so you can plan ahead.  Yet, there’s a catch. This month has a massive themes of stepping back, revisions, and re-writing your goals. With 5 retrogrades, and Mercury (ruler of Virgo) going retro at the end of the month, you really need Virgo Season to help stabilize your goals.

1. Goal Getter

This is not the month to go for it, jump into any situation, or be a risk-taker. An abundance of retrogrades is collective pulling us inward to address and focus on what’s in front of us. What’s happening in your life now that needs to be analyzed? This is where the silver lining of all this energy is. Itemize those big dreams and goals for the next 1 – 6 months. The ideas, issues, or circumstances you plan out, address or shelf will reemerge during eclipse time. If you’re clinging on to anything you need to release, start now so you can open the doors to new growth and goals. The next Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse are all in late degrees of their zodiac signs signifying endings. Get your goals in order. Stay practical and realistic.

2. Set Intentions

This month is ideal to plan, prepare, organize, clean out, and replenish with purpose. Basically, it is time to declutter and anchor in those goals so you can tweak them leading up to eclipse season. It is so important to not be scattered, wishy-washy, or confused in your goals and direction. If you’re feeling one or all of the above, ground, meditate, or pray for clarity. Neptune has been retrograde for months and doesn’t go direct until November 2021. But, here’s the deal, it is opposing Virgo and creating this fog of uncertainty in many Virgo’s lives. Lists are an all-time favorite Virgo tool. Try keeping things in a planner, list, or whatever works for you to stay on track with your goals. These retrograde have a tendency to take us off track, distract, or have the Vigo vibes multi-tasking versus finding mastery. 

3. Patience & Timing

Keep your manifesting manifesto close by for the next few months because what you set out to create and achieve will finally begin to feel possible during the eclipse season. The interesting thing with Virgo energy is that there is a perfectionist quality that can play out in a career, relationships, or self-identity. Meaning the standards are high and higher than others and you can miss out on real opportunities to achieve your goals if you are hyper-focused on how is has to be. Stay fluid and allow those goals to bend and adjust. This doesn’t mean re-write or re-do, just stay open-minded about the how, what, when, and why. For example, if you need a career change, be open to all the ways it can occur now. Just because it happened one way 5, 10,20 years ago doesn’t mean it will play out that way now. Maybe networking has changed from in-person to virtual, are you up for it? Virgo energy is flexible; yet, at times critical and judgmental. Don’t fall for this trap when you want to achieve your goals.

Astrology Lifestyle