In ancient times, both of the luminaries (Sun & Moon) were associated with predicting personal trends and world events. The most significant semi-annual events included the eclipses. This still holds true today. A Solar Eclipse is when the Sun and Moon are in the same zodiac sign and degree. On Monday, August 21, 2017, the Solar Eclipse will occur at 28 degrees of Leo conjoined Regulus, a Fixed Star. This eclipse is magnificent in its cosmic alignments. It is heralding worldwide significance and new developments for individuals who are directly impacted by this celestial event!

The King’s Embrace

This Solar Eclipse is filled with royal symbolisms and shining a beacon towards the direction you need to pursue. In ancient Persia, Regulus was considered one of the four Royal Stars, also known as a Guardian of the Sky. Since Regulus is prominently aligned with this eclipse, it will reign over the symbolic meanings and bestow us all with its powerful cosmic energies. Expect its influence to trickle down for several months. Referred to as the Heart of the Lion, Regulus is associated with being in the King’s Embrace. It gives one such power that they seem to do no wrong. They are essentially protected. This fixed star bestows a majestic persona and a powerful personality that is shaped by the positive and negative qualities associated with its symbolism.

Positively, it can bestow honor and fame. The downfall of Regulus is arrogance, egotism, outspokenness, and a public fall from grace. It warns us that cutting corners and stepping on others to rise to the top will catch up to you sooner or later. It’s a good reminder that with all the new beginnings and opportunities this eclipse brings, you will be presented with choices. Be mindful if it’s too good to be true scenario. The planet ruling karma is connected to this eclipse and has been on the sidelines until this week.

Karma & Father Time

Since April 5th, 2017, Saturn has been in the retrograde phase. It has been retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius and is relates to one’s passion, motivation, and ideals. While Saturn does not deny events and dreams, it can delay them. Saturn emphasizes patience, hard work, sweat equity, and added responsibilities. Saturn rules karma and we have all been burning off our karmic debts during this phase. The added weight, worry, responsibilities, hardships and tough times are slowly going to phase out. As Saturn stations direct this week, the doom and gloom will lift. Better yet, the circumstances that you felt were holding you back, will no longer be in effect.

As the symbol of Father Time, the results aren’t immediate. It can take a long time to get your heart’s desires. With Saturn’s aspects to the eclipse, it is showing you that there is an area or areas of your life where you will receive the recognition, awards, accolades, fame, attention, and fulfillment for your hard work, dedication and persistence. By staying focused on the end results and realizing that it may have taken you years to get where you want to be. Now, it may seem like finally, you have reached a point where it is all coming together.

Excitement & Thrill Rides

With favorable aspects to the planet Uranus, the eclipse is bringing exciting times! It can be associated with unexpected events, developments, out-of-the-blue windfalls, sudden news, or complications. Ideally, there is a higher purpose to all the change. This aspect is the wildcard and you can expect the unexpected.

In the background, there are additional planets and cosmic energies occurring. Mars represents the mythological God of War will be in close aspect to the eclipse. Mars brings intensity, drive, ambition, action, war, violence, passion, intimacy, conflict, physical activity, bravery, and courage. Mars also symbolizes one’s lover and brings the possibility of love with the eclipse. Mars will be the first planet to cross the eclipse degree and it will bring news this week. On September 1st – 2nd, Mars will stimulate the eclipses degree and events will occur quickly.

The Solar Eclipse is really going to bring sweeping changes to some people’s lives. It is full of possibilities for receiving honor, fame, recognition, and fulfilling your heart’s desires. There’s an opportunity for your dreams to begin to manifest. A Solar Eclipse is a powerful New Moon and it carries the symbolism of manifesting and planting the seeds for your future. Dream Big!

Solar Eclipse Cosmic Calendar

The following dates are when I see the Solar Eclipse being very active. 

  • September 1st – 2nd: Mars signals events and they will be occurring rapidly.
  • September 4th – 5th: Mercury Retrograde can bring information that you didn’t have or a new spin on the information.
  • September 18th – 19th: Venus conjunct the eclipse point emphasizes women and people or places you love.
  • September 29th – 30th: Jupiter sextile the eclipse.

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