Scorpio Season

5 Tips to stay aligned during Scorpio & Eclipse Season

Simultaneously, we are changing gears and running right into a fast-paced month of change. After Libra Season brought multiple retrogrades, we are now re-routing ourselves to detox, cleanse, and renew everything that threw us off balance last month. Yet, the game-changer is we close out November and December with two big eclipses.

1. Be Informed

Read up on the eclipse dates and cosmic alignments leading up to the eclipse this month. Ideally, just knowing some of the basic symbolism and how it can unfold or influence those around you will help you navigate the transitions, changes, and seize the opportunities. Sometimes there are split, bad, and major life decisions that occur. Read up on the eclipse and how it can manifest in your life via your natal chart.

2. Stay Focused

Eclipses are stepping stones and often bring some big changes the month or within the first three months of an eclipse. The Scorpio and Taurus axis represents money, resources, and for some, it brings big deals, big money, or concerns over finances, stability, and security. Don’t let all the changes, opportunities, or challenges drive you. In other words, don’t obsess over the lack or the excess that you lose touch with reality. Stay grounded in who you are, your truth, values, and gifts.

3. Be Open

For every sign, there is a shadow side. The fixed nature of Scorpio emerges this month, and if you have a tendency to dig your feet in, stand your ground, be stubborn, just b mindful this is a time where the Universe can surprise you and help get you out of a rut. No need to keep doing the same thing over and over when there might be a better way. No need to scatter your energies, let Spirit multitask so you can redirect to focus on what you were born to do. This month, stay open as new ideas, paths, people, or opportunities that arrive.

4. Get Aligned

Scorpio represents deep, powerful energy that is transformative. It is symbolic of metamorphosis. Wherever Scorpio is in your natal chart, you will undergo transformation this month. As you face the hidden parts of your being and psyche, you will transform. The growth and transformation are all opportunities to get aligned with your higher self and utilize your newfound power to help others during their times of change.

5. Let it Go

At its highest vibration, the area of your chart ruled by Scorpio is energetically regenerative and passionate. Since Scorpio is also symbolic of elimination, it is a great time to detox and eliminate the toxic routines, people, thinking, foods, and behaviors. Throw in the eclipse energies, and you can take this time to purge, release the past, heal, eliminate, regenerate and move forward. The opportunity this month is to integrate this powerful energy to see your life or circumstances from the highest vantage point. 

Scorpio Season Keywords

attraction, sexuality, fertility, soul mates, magnetism, determination, drive, research, secrets, hidden matters, privacy, power, control issues, healing, emotions, sub-conscious, mystery, and money

Astrology Lifestyle