The New Year’s theme should be called House of Aquarius. If you ever needed a reason to go with the flow, it’s this month. With Saturn (planet lessons, rules, limitations) in Aquarius and now Mercury (planet of thinking, learning, communications) retrograde in Aquarius, we’ve got some serious life themes for revision, do-over, and circling back to redefine a specific part of your life. For now, the House of Aquarius in your astrology chart is where the energy will be bringing breakthroughs or sudden changes. Mark your calendars, the Mercury retrograde will be occurring 1/14/22 – 2/3/22. So, for the next few weeks, you can be aware of the themes and how they can manifest or play out around you. Think before you hang up, jump, quit, spend, or break up.

House of Aquarius

In your chart, the House of Aquarius is where you can find your creative and unique style. It’s the area of life where you need the freedom to be you and not conform to the rules, groupthink, or other people’s standards. This is where you have an inner desire to rebel. Yet, this is also the area where you can connect to the Universal Consciousness for growth and spiritual activations. Any form of rules, barriers, or setbacks to your goals will have you resentful and planning how to escape. Since this area of your chart is all about expressing your individuality, how can you utilize this retrograde to get ahead?  The clues you need to see how this theme will manifest are in your personal House of Aquarius.

Dejavu? Approximately one year ago, Saturn was in the same degrees of this retrograde. Did change happen then? Did you feel restricted? Were you at a crossroads and ready for major changes? How did you handle it? Heads up because those themes can have a funny way of circling back to you now. Did you truly work thru all the energy? If not, this retrograde will be the opportunity to bring closure and say bye-bye to any mental hamster wheel you’ve been on. It’s time to mentally purge, cleanse, and sage it all away.  

Due to the Aquarius themes for freedom and independence, you can feel held back in some areas of your life. Yet, I see this time as the opportunity to solidify the changes you desire.  

Three ways you can ride this retrograde energy & slay

  • You be You – use this freedom-seeking energy to manifest the changes and re-direction you crave. If you’re out of sync with the cosmic flow, the Universe will get you back on track.
  • Inspired Wisdom – what an opportunity to tap into the cosmic energy, heal and step into a better cosmic cycle for growth.
  • Hamster Wheel – Pushing to make things happen during this cycle can backfire. Saturn’s still in Aquarius and it is known as Father Time and the Lord of Karma. It brings rewards but after you do the work. For now, growth and momentum take a wild turn into the unplanned and unexpected. Let the Universe iron out all the details.
Astrology Lifestyle