On May 5th, the Lunar Nodes will shift from Cancer/Capricorn to the Gemini/Sagittarius axis. This invisible axis point also known as the Axis of Fate holds some pretty incredible symbolism. Since the nodes represent cycles of spiritual and karmic influences, they can be compared to portals that connect humankind with Universal Consciousness.

The Nodes on the Gemini & Sagittarius Axis

A Nodal Return isn’t the only time when we can tap into our true calling and align with our cosmic destiny. As your birth chart’s planets progress, there will be alignments with the nodes that create specific dates of growth, setbacks, or unfoldment. If an eclipse or planetary transit is aligning with your Nodal Axis, this is an additional clue to when events can occur that take you in a new direction that is aligned with your soul.

2020 is when the Nodal Axis will shift from Cancer/Capricorn and move into a new cycle in Gemini/Sagittarius. With the North Node transitioning into the air element, it will bring focus on communications, mental processes, and learning. Perhaps, even opportunities with education systems. Since Gemini, is ruled by the planet Mercury, this axis is going to expand and activate your mind. This tells me there is something important that you have been thinking or worrying about. With the South Node in Sagittarius, it is encouraging faith, spirituality, and optimism. This just might be a blessing in disguise for you to expand your mental and spiritual horizons.

As the nodes transit, they need to make a connection with your personal planets or the angles in your chart. This is when you can predict opportunities, or themes related to your Soul’s Purpose to be revealed.

Key Dates

  • North Node in Gemini: May 5, 2020 – January 19, 2022
  • Last time North Node in Gemini: October 2001 – April 2003

The Nodes &

Your Sign

For Aries, this Axis of Fate will be moving through your 3rd and 9th houses representing communications, learning, and travel. With the North Node moving through your 3rd house, you will have the gift of gab. Your mind, thoughts, and ideas are racing through your head. Almost difficult to be still. Others will look to you as youthful (Mercury) and you will be in a place to share your experiences, thoughts, and ideas with others. You had built up quite a resume of past experiences, travels, and enlightenment that you can teach, train, lecture or just share your best practices with others. This helps you to grow spiritually but also lifts others up too.

Taurus, this Axis of Fate will be moving through your 2nd and 8th houses representing money. Your mind, thoughts, and ideas are circling around money. With the North Node in your 2nd house, you will have financial opportunities during the next 18 months. While this area primarily represents your ability to earn an income, it also represents your personal values and the resources you attract.

Gemini, this Axis of Fate will be in your backyard and focusing on your 1st and 7th houses representing you and relationships. This is a big deal since these are the primary indications for energy manifestation and relations. Your mind, and thoughts are circling around the ideas of self-improvement, appearance, and relationships. With the North Node in your 1st house, you, your health, appearance, and personality are really going to change in a big way.

Cancer, this Axis of Fate will be in your 12th and 6th representing your subconscious, service to others, and your 6th house of your job, coworkers, pets, health, and wellness. With the North Node in your 12 house, there will be a time during the next 18 months to align with your subconscious mind, retreat, seek solitude, and heal.

Leo, this Axis of Fate will be in your 11th house representing your hopes, wishes, and dreams. With the North Node in your 11th house, there will be a time during the next 18 months that your friends, groups, or networking might open the doors to manifest something you have been dreaming of.

Virgo, this Axis of Fate will be in your 10th house representing your status, career, and destiny. With the North Node moving through this area of your chart it brings some serious opportunities to manifest something big! During the next 18 months, your axis of home vs. career is being activated for a move, change in career, career opportunities, or a change in your status. For example, engaged, married, divorced, self-employed, CEO, etc.

Libra, this Axis of Fate will be in your 9th house representing learning, teaching, writing, publishing, in-laws, relatives, legal systems, religion, philosophy, and spirituality. With the North Node moving through this area of your chart it brings some serious opportunities to manifest something big within the next 18 months.



Scorpio, this Axis of Fate will be in your finances, debts, and money from others. This area represents psychotherapy and all the subconscious realms. The 8th house also represents sexuality. With the North Node moving through this area of your chart it brings some serious opportunities to manifest something big within the next 18 months

Sagittarius, this Axis of Fate will be in your 7th house of committed relationships, marriage, business partners, and second child. With the North Node moving through this area of your chart it brings some serious opportunities to manifest something big within the next 18 months!

Capricorn, this Axis of Fate will be in the 6th house of your job, employees, coworkers, health, and wellness. With the North Node moving through this area of your chart it brings some serious opportunities to manifest something big within the next 18 months!

Aquarius, this Axis of Fate will be in your 5th house of children, creativity, hobbies, true love, and romance. With the North Node moving through this area of your chart it brings some serious opportunities to manifest something big within the next 18 months!

Pisces, this Axis of Fate will be in your 4th house of home, family, domestic life, real estate, and it can symbolize a parental figure in your life. With the North Node moving through this area of your chart it brings some serious opportunities to manifest something big within the next 18 months!

Astrology Lifestyle