Lunar Eclipse November 2021

Scorpio Season symbolizes transformation and addressing the deepest parts of one’s soul. Look at it as an invocation to address your fears, insecurities, disappointments, secrets, anger, or repressed dreams. Scorpio is the sign that symbolizes the cycles of life, birth, death, and regeneration.

This month’s Lunar Eclipse falls on the axis of Taurus and Scorpio, which typically symbolizes closure but this eclipse also brings an opportunity for realignment. As a North Node eclipse, there is this underlying current of energy that’s going to directly or indirectly lead  you to where you need to be. Meaning there is a component of destiny and aligning with your true north via this cosmic energy.

Leading up to this month’s eclipse, the cosmos have been re-calibrating, and the energy will finally begin to push us forward. For some, you will be now on the fast track for opportunity. Just keep in mind this influx of energy will also shut down that which no longer serves you. It will not be subtle. So wherever your dreams take you this month, just know life might take on a rapid, fast-paced,  unexpected, or thrilling change.


5 Tips to Embrace the Change

1. Knowledge is Key

Are you thinking, “I’ve been waiting for my destiny, What’s the hold up?” Here’s the deal, transits, retrograde, and lunar cycles assist eclipses in manifesting change. Yet, for change to occur you need to be promised this change in your birth chart. Second, everyone is tuned into different vibrations and each person resonates and carries their own specific energy signature. Third, not every eclipse will bring change, breakthroughs, or align with your destiny. Finally, for an eclipse to be memorable or life changing, there needs to be a direct link to your birth chart and the planetary alignments at the time you were born. Basically, the natal chart is the roadmap you need to see what the bleep is going on in your life during eclipse season. This will give you insight into where the magic or unrest can occur.

With all this powerful regenerative and stabilizing energy, you can utilize this eclipse to hone in on your natal chart and see the specific areas of your life to anticipate change, redirection, opportunities, metamorphosis, or address a part of you that you keep hidden. If you know the general energy themes, then you can mind your words, curb your unrest, and hold back from any spontaneous decisions that might not serve you long term.

Tip: Read your horoscope for your rising sign. Be aware of the dates of these cosmic events, energy shifts, and utilize them as opportunity periods.

2. Resistance isn’t your BFF, Gratitude is

This Eclipse is in the late degrees of Taurus, which highlights closure. The issues that are coming up with this eclipse have been occurring in the background of your daily life. Perhaps, it’s been so subtle that the topics or issues weren’t ready to emerge until you landed in eclipse season. With that in mind, there’s been a delay or potentially sidelining specific issues, dreams, topics, or matters for another day. Another way to put it is avoidance. If you’ve been in avoidance mode, re-structure that resistance to manifest the timing for opportunities to change that align with your highest good. Abrupt change can be shocking, so the most purposeful way you can ride this wave of change is to anchor in your dreams and abundance via gratitude.  

Taurus energies are also known for being stubborn and resistant to change. As a fixed sign, Taurus isn’t one to make changes easily. In fact, they are so resistant you may need to push them through the door. Opportunities come and they resist because they prefer the security of doing things the same old way. This Lunar Eclipse can potentially be a great time to release the resistance to change that no longer serves your highest good.

What are you resisting? Where is this cycle of abundance occurring for you? Where can you channel an attitude of gratitude?

3. It’s Time to Pivot your Life Path towards your Destiny

The beauty of this Lunar Taurus Eclipse at 27 degrees Taurus is that it simultaneously represents closure and opportunity. This is a North Node eclipse, which I firmly feel has been lifting people up despite all the frustrations, delays, and some drastic life changes. A North Node eclipse brings some unexpected good luck into the mix. So, in the sense whatever long-held wish, dream, or heart’s desire might finally begin to reawaken within your soul. Essentially, a glimmer of hope will emerge from all the challenges, hold ups, and frustrations to assist you in realigning with the path you are meant to be on.

We all have a distinct purpose and it’s not always grandiose. Sometimes, it’s just a wish that your heart has dreamed of for far too long. Now, this eclipse will awaken the yearning and the potential for fulfillment. The North Node brings blessings, silver linings, or miracles. So despite any challenges or setbacks, you got this. Give it time to manifest. For some this month will be a roller coaster, but there will be awesome opportunity periods for this eclipse to be activated in the next 30 – 90 days.

5. Cosmic Downloads and Spiritual Ascension

It’s time to meditate, connect and get into the cosmic flow. You’re here for a reason and we all need your awesome talents. Tap into your inner wisdom, and roll with this months divine plan. The lunar cycles are always powerful for meditation and tapping into the collective consciousness. Yet, eclipses are the game changers, and you can really have some amazing spiritual breakthroughs, ah ha moments, or creative inspiration as the veils thin during this time. The key to accessing the higher realms of consciousness is your true intentions. Keep it high vibeing and don’t bring lower energy into the mix. You want to reinforce the ascension process to raise your vibration and help others too.

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