Fixed Star SpicaWhat cosmic messages are aligned with the fixed star Spica? Located at 23 degrees of Libra, it is the brightest star in the Virgo Constellation of the Maiden. To get an idea of how the myth and symbolism of the star can manifest, we need to gain some clarity into the mythology of the ancients. Known as the Lady of the Sky, the Virgo Constellation represents the harvest. Spica is a blue-white star that for centuries has been observed and plotted by ancient societies and present-day stargazers.

As we look up to the sky, are we aligned with this Goddess energy? Can you take a moment to personally align with this star’s magnificence? This star is considered highly auspicious and fortunate in nature. Symbolically, it is associated with success, love, art, music, science, riches, honor, and fame. More importantly, I have found the symbolism of protection to be a genuine interpretation when it is activated by progressions in a chart.

Spica’s overall mysticism will be very highly important if a person has a planet is located at 23 degrees Libra in their chart. Yet, that even applies to progressed planets and angles. Looking at a potential lover’s chart, or just want to see the synastry between another person and you have Spica there? Then consider it a gift from the Heavens. Something lovely will unfold.



In ancient societies, Spica was known and referenced as different Goddesses. In Egypt, the star was associated with Isis, and in Greece the star was called Ceres. In astrology, both Ceres and Isis are asteroids that can be plotted into any chart. Yet, how does the goddess energy integrate with Spica, and unfold in a chart. Better yet, what meaning and insight does it bring to you?

Keep in mind, everyone will align or resonate with different archetype energies and myths. Some might find Spica, its star energies, and goddess archetypes to be fully relevant in their life and divine purpose.


Ceres is considered a major asteroid, and its astrology and mythical symbolism has been studied in-depth. With Ceres, there is a significant mother/child connection associated with this asteroid. It represents fertility, children, and is also associated with Mother Earth energy. Yet, Ceres in its highest vibration signifies how an individual needs nurturing and what types of activities or people nurture their soul. Look to the house and zodiac sign Ceres is in the natal chart. Since it is associated with Virgo, nourishment and harvest, and food are associated with this Goddess energy.



Just want to tap into the Goddess part of your being? Perhaps, it is type to align with the Divine Feminine energies and integrate self-nurturing? Whatever is occurring has a season. As the Star Spica is activated on October 16th, the cosmic knowledge you can tap into is abundant and ready to harvest. Keep in mind you reap what you sow. What seeds will you plant now?
Astrology Lifestyle