Happy Birthday! Interested in how your Solar Return impacts your life? This predictive technique can be utilized in analyzing the potential opportunities, challenges and your focus for the year ahead. It is a chart that is created based on the Sun’s exact degree at birth. On your birthday, the Sun was at a specific degree of the zodiac and this degree is calculated into a solar return chart. To give you perspective, there are 12 zodiac signs with 360 degrees. Thus, a chart is calculated through a precise, mathematical process. While a birth chart will always be a relevant horoscope for the duration of an individual’s lifetime, a solar return chart is a temporary chart based on a 1-year time frame. Your birth chart is always utilized as the base chart for mathematical comparisons and symbolisms.
The solar return is a blueprint for the year ahead. With this chart, personal themes revolving around opportunities and challenges are identified. The solar return chart is interpreted the same as a natal birth chart. Yet, in the solar return, the rising sign is based on the Sun returning to the exact degree at birth. The amazing part of predictive work is that it is always based on the birth chart, and the solar return is utilized as a supplemental tool to reinforce and validate the upcoming cycles and/ or events. I look at what is promised in your birth chart and what can potentially manifest in the year ahead.
Every year, the solar return can have a different rising sign! Basically, this means an individual’s approach to how they achieve their goals will be slightly different each year. For example, an individual may have been born with an Aires rising, but their birthday and solar return now has a Libra rising sign. Perhaps, they feel life has been turned upside down during the year. Essentially the person’s 7th house of marriage, partnerships, and commitment has come into focus for the next 12 months.
Next, I look to the Ruler of Libra, Venus, and make note of the good and difficult aspects. What sign is Venus in? Is the planet exalted, in detriment, in an Aires Point degree or is it in the same degree as a natal chart planet? This will give me insights into the way they will present themselves to others for the year ahead. It will give me insights into their love life, finances and relationship themes for the next 12 months. With the above example, a person with an Aires rising in their solar return will begin to demonstrate more Aires qualities during the year. It will become temporary themes and integrated into their personality.
There are so many additional components to look at to see where the individual will have growth, activity, events, difficulties, or reap the rewards. Look at the chart to see if it will be an introspective year or a year where the person is out and about and more social. A rule of thumb is when the majority of the planets are located above the horizon, or the top portion of the chart, the individual will be more extroverted. With a dominance of planets below the horizon, the individual may need or prefer more quiet time alone at home or with close family members.
In a solar return chart, the Sun symbolizes one’s destiny, ego, and life path. Its location in a solar return chart shows where there is a desire and potential to achieve. For example, if the Sun is located in the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house, it can be considered a highly active year. These 4 houses are the primary energy manifestors and represent events, changes, developments, etc.
Typically, the majority of people may not notice a shift in their energies prior to their birthday. For individuals who are in tune, they will begin to feel the vibrational shift as early as 2-3 months prior to their birthday. Even the day prior to one’s birthday can have significant themes, events, people or situations that represent closure from the previous solar return and the development of all the new energies coming in with the next solar return. It is cause for celebration as one’s birthday is connected to the cosmos and every year bringing new life lessons, opportunities, discipline, joy, happiness, or sorrow on all levels.
Just a note that the symbolisms give one insight and perspective, but an individual’s own spiritual perspective and free will determine the choices, decisions and spiritual growth they embark on.