This month, the Solar Eclipse at 23 Sagittarius arrives during a significant cosmic shift. As we entered Sagittarius Season, we were greeted with only one planetary retrograde versus Libra Season where we were staring down four retrogrades. Without the multiple do-overs, miscommunications, and delays associated with retrograde energy, we are finally being given the celestial green light with our hopes, wishes, and dreams. Sagittarius energy is full of adventure, travel, learning, enlightenment, honesty, optimism, and motivational words. This is the energy that inspires the dreamers, storytellers, and truth seekers. With this eclipse energy on the Sagittarius/Gemini access, what knowledge do you seek? What messages, wisdom, spiritual enlightenment did you find? What adventures are calling for you to pack up and go? What adventures does your spirit seek?

Clues to Deciphering & Releasing

All of the celestial events, alignments, and mishaps of 2020 have been taking us on our own personal journey of enlightenment and spiritual awakening. The energies of this Solar Eclipse are infused with positivity, optimism, and truth. As you jump or leap into this fire energy, are you feeling driven? Is your inner flame ignited? Have you discovered or rediscovered your passion or calling in life? Is a long-awaited dream finally coming true?

Sagittarius energy is adventurous, fun, positive, and happy go lucky. If you are feeling the shift towards following your purpose, dive in. This is the beginning of a long trend of spiritual growth and development. While all New Moons and Solar Eclipses are associated with new beginnings, this eclipse is connected to the South Node representing letting go. What are you letting go of?  Since Sagittarius represents religion, spirituality, learning, teaching, and truth, there might be an area of life where you were literally pre-programmed from childhood, family, school, etc. This energy might be offering you an opportunity for growth and re-programming what your truth is. Whatever personal discoveries you initiate or unearth will all begin to unfold during the next year. In fact, eclipses are so powerful that their energies (degree point) remain activated for one-two years. Thus, giving you a gateway of two years to grow into your newfound truth and inner wisdom.

Lord of the Eclipse

The energetic influence of an eclipse is vetted through its ruler (lord), and the planetary aspects of the transits to the eclipse. The ruler of Sagittarius is at the tail end of its transit through Capricorn. In fact, it will shift on December 19, 2020 into Aquarius as it prepares us for the Great Conjunction. With the Lord of the Eclipse positioned in the late degrees of Capricorn, it reminds me of all the transitions and shifts we have all had to navigate since December 2019.

Jupiter symbolizes wishes fulfilled, miracles, fortune, abundance, and good luck. In addition, it brings religion, spirituality, and the meaning of life to the forefront. It represents truth, confidence, optimism, expansion, and opportunities. Yet, in Capricorn, there has been the undertone of earth energy. Those earthy vibes have been focused on practical ways to organize, manage, accumulate financial or material resources. Capricorn symbolizes conservative, traditional, old-fashioned values. Ruled by Saturn there is an unspoken need to put in the work, follow the rules, and pursue your ambitions with dedication.  Now, at the tail end of its cycle, what is finally beginning to manifest? What you once considered a pipe dream might just be beginning to unfold in a magical way. Whatever limitations you faced, this eclipse is going to bring our collective attention to hope. As this Jupiter cycle ends, what opportunities, dreams, or hope is emerging with this eclipse?

Launching into New Territory

Mars is ending its unconventional and extended stay in Aries. Typically, this warrior planet only stays for weeks in a sign. Yet, in 2020, we faced a full onslaught of intense Mars in Aries energy for 6 months. What I love about all this fire is the courage that it brings to this eclipse. As Mars trines the eclipse, there will be an influx of high energy, ambition, motivation, self-determination, and self-confidence. As we all adjust to this unstoppable eclipse energy, what spark will it ignite in you? Mars will not return to Aries for another 2 1/2 years, so what new territory did you discover? The Solar Eclipse representing new beginnings, opportunities, and manifesting is making such a supportive and positive aspect with Mars. Used in a positive way, this cosmic energy will propel you into new dreams, activities, and spaces. Mars energy brings out our inner pioneer. So, channel this energy by taking a leap of faith to launch a new project or initiative with enthusiasm.

Riding the Cosmic Wave

As Neptune makes a challenging connection with the eclipse, it hones in on our intuition, imagination, creativity, deja vu’s, and psychic visions. Yet, for some, in can manifest as cloudy circumstances, emotional feeling of being overwhelmed, a need to escape, and extreme anxiety or paranoia. Keep in mind that the Pisces symbol is the two fish swimming in different directions. There is a dual nature with the eclipse energies, and you might not see that there will be more than one way the energy manifests. It can manifest with a focus on empathy, love, sensitivity, intuition, and spiritual enlightenment. There can be a focus on creativity, poetry, music, and writing.

Untamed Spirit

The eclipse in Sagittarius asks us to dream bigger than before, and not let ourselves be fenced in by the barriers and setbacks. This is a profound week to align with your inner truth, spirituality, and tap into that which your spirit wants you to manifest. You can align with your spiritual mission, faith, and define your purpose you might dream bigger than ever before! The holdup is to be in the moment, recognize illusions, and read between the lines. Listen to your gut instincts and hold out for the right timing to move forward.

Galactic Center

The Solar Eclipse at 23 degrees of Sagittarius initiates a week of celestial events. With the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius, there is a opportunity to tap into this energy and have profound insights, shifts, or out of this world revelations. This portal is aligned with the sensation of a deep inner calling. There is an energetic or gravitation pull that is shifting one’s consciousness into the spiritual realms. Individuals with planets placed here will be called to step into their destiny, awaken dormant talents, or share their knowledge with others. As they awaken to their soul’s calling, their spiritual purpose is revealed and they will have the choice to align with this powerful energy.

Astrology Lifestyle