Known as the Dog Star, Sirius is located at 14 degrees of Cancer and it is the brightest star in the heavens! It is located in close proximity to the constellation of Argo. The mythology of Sirius goes back to ancient times. It was to the Egyptian calendar, which began with the rising of Sirius. Mythically, Sirius is linked to the Egyptian Goddess Isis. Sirius is also associated with the summer solstice, the hottest part of the year and the dog days of summer. According to Homer, the downside of Sirius brings fevers, plagues, and death.
Throughout history, Sirius has been viewed as a positive symbol or omen that when connected to an individuals chart with good aspects can bring fame, honor, and riches; yet, it also gives fame and honor beyond the grave. It brings fame for what one considers their normalcy. When it is located in an individual’s chart (exact degree), there is something within them that needs to emerge and the Universe will coordinate behind the scenes ensure this person’s in alignment with their soul’s divine purpose.
Sirius and the Planets
When Sirius is connected to the Sun by conjunction, it is considered auspicious (fortunate). It can signify tremendous creative talents. If creative talents are indicated in the chart, it can indicate fame and substantial recognition after death. A great example of Sirius conjoined the Sun is Frida Kahlo. During her lifetime, she sold very few paintings, had less than five exhibitions, and primarily did commission work. After her death, her art has sold for record amounts and she is the highest selling female artist. She is heralded as an iconic trailblazer, and all of this occurred after her death. Thus, the fame and honor suggested by Sirius lives on as her art continues to inspire new generations over a century later.
Often times, the the star’s energy remains dormant until it is activated by a progression, transit or eclipse. When it is activated by a series of repetitive aspects in a chart, then the possibility to step into the star’s symbolism emerges. An eclipse would be the most powerful activation, and when it occurs the cosmic door opens, paves the way, and sets the stage for something big to unfold. Since eclipses come in cycles, the themes will emerge and reemerge during one’s life. If an eclipse occurs on this eclipse point, then it is a sensitive degree for the next 1-2 years. In the summer of 2020, the eclipse will be ending their cycle on the Cancer/Capricorn axis. A very powerful lunar eclipse occurred on July 5, 2020, and it was opposing Sirius. It is very interesting to note the COVID-19 virus was surging during the warm summer months.
Another interesting component in how this star can be activated in one’s chart is through progressions and relationships. That synchronicity of someone coming into your life an making a significant or lasting impression can also be delineated with some major star power occurring in the background.