For the next five months, Neptune will be taking a deep dive into the emotional undercurrents of your psyche. As Neptune in Pisces retrogrades, its energies will circle back and heighten your awareness, intuition, and ask you to trust your gut instincts. During the retrograde, there can be an increase in creativity, daydreaming, imagination, intuition, and deja vu moments. Neptune retrograde is the best time to discover what has been hidden and rest assured that all will be revealed to you. What mysteries, dilemmas, or situations have been causing you to second guess yourself or others? Expect reversals and opportunities to review, re-do, and re-align.

Retro Shade

During the retrograde, Neptune creates a lack of clarity. It can also amplify anxiety or paranoia; it can also bring confusion and potentially diminish your vision or perception of reality. It creates a haze and mixed messages. Wherever Neptune is located in your chart, shows where you face a need to escape reality, daydream, and connect spiritually. By transit, wherever you have Pisces in your chart is where you can have spiritual unfoldment, increased intuitions; but for the reto phase be alert for mixed signals, confusion, and misunderstandings. It also shows where you may have a difficult time seeing clearly during the retrograde phase. On the low end, Neptune is associated with deception and scandal. Take the high road and don’t fall for anyone’s ambiguity.

A lovely way Neptune energy can manifest is through the arts. There can be a poetic charm, inspired work, and the ability to connect for Divine inspiration. If this is your outlet, then paint, draw, or pour that new canvas. Creativity isn’t limited to art, and how you express this cosmic energy can really bring a sense of enlightenment.

Ride the Cosmic Wave

Spiritually, Neptune and your 12th house rule the subconscious realms. This is where astral travel, Akashic Records, premonitions, visions, and enlightenment exists. What spiritual mode is calling to you now? During a Neptune retrograde, the spiritual component of your life is being re-examined. Did you miss something? Are you open and ready for growth? Do you need cleansing and purification? What about a new spiritual practice of meditation, journaling, or art therapy? Now, is the perfect time to learn, discover, or re-discover a part of your being that is unconsciously calling out to you. Whatever you discover is preparing you for the next phase.

Cosmic Calendar

  • Neptune in Pisces (2011 – 2015)
  • Neptune Retrograde (June 23 – November 29
  • Neptune Direct
Astrology Lifestyle