Cetus the Whale Constellation
As one of the largest constellations in the sky, Cetus dates back to the 2nd century when astronomer and astrologer, Ptolemy first cataloged it. The mythology of Cetus encompasses the Greek myth of Andromeda with Pegasus and Perseus as key players. Yet, in modern times, how do we align with the symbolism? Better yet, how do we integrate the ancient wisdom for spiritual growth?
Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology
Celestially, Cetus is the whale representing the seer. When activated, the spiritual eye will begin to open and bring not only insight but a deeper understanding of the cycles of life. Cetus utilizes its own navigational tools, and there is a distinct gravitational pull to develop one’s inner voice and intuition. As you develop your own gift of sight, you will align with this constellation’s energetic messages and ride the celestial waves.
As it rises from the depths of the ocean, it will stir up the murky waters representing levels of consciousness. What lies hidden in the depths of your psyche? What can’t you see? What don’t you want to see? And what are you ready to see now? Wherever the current takes you, you can trust that Cetus will bring clarity and a deeper connection with your intuition. Did you know that only 5% of our brain activity is conscious? Which means there is such an inner depth to your subconscious mind. What will you tap into when you follow the tides of change?
In animal symbolism, the whale is deeply connected to the water element. Thus, one’s intuition, emotions, and sensitivities play a key role in understanding its energetic message. Water also symbolizes healing, transformation, and movement. Since water comes in various forms, it brings to the forefront the levels of consciousness we all experience in our life, which includes emotions, perceptiveness, wisdom, and communication.
Wisdom of the Ancients
Whales can live up to 90 years, and Cetus has been shining down on us for hundreds of years, With age, can come wisdom. Yet, it can compass the physical, mental, and spiritual planes. When activated, the whale is calling you to discover what you have lost or embrace a part of yourself that’s been lost or forgotten. Seriously, this is such a deep and spiritual activation! You are able to tap into something amazing that will have a profound effect on your life. Be open-minded to the doors that open, spiritual signs, symbols, and synchronicity to keep riding the waves.
Activate Fixed Star Symbolism
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